Thursday, May 24, 2007

The whole fam damily :>)

Originally uploaded by phillymasts
Levi survived his first vist from all his brothers and sisters...although Evie declared that he is "my baby". We all wondered how Evie would react, and it turns out she was more interested in washing her hands in the sink (which she did about 37 times) the in her new brother :>)

Eyes wide open

Hi there...eyes open already
Originally uploaded by phillymasts.
Levi is looking across the room at his Mommy :>)


so peaceful
Originally uploaded by phillymasts.
Levi came out screaming at 1:15 am on 5/24. He weighed 7 lbs. four oz....the same as his big brother Toby. He was soon fast asleep. Mom and baby are doing well.